------------------------------------------------------ Department of Computer Engineering Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University Dezful , Iran mehrani@iaud.ac.ir mail_outline ------------------------------------------------------
International Transactions on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering (ITCHEE) is a peer-reviewed open-access publication of its kind that aims at reporting the most recent research and developments in the area of computer hardware and electrical engineering. It publishes advanced, innovative and interdisciplinary research involving the theoretical, experimental and practical aspects of the two paradigms and their hybridizations. ITCHEE is committed to timely publication of very high-quality, peer-reviewed, original articles that advance the state-of-the art of all aspects of computer hardware and electrical engineering. Survey papers reviewing the state-of-the-art of timely topics will also be welcomed as well as novel and interesting applications.
Title History:
ICSES Journal on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering
ICSES Transactions on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering
International Transactions on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering
Currently, ICSES has developed the following key-enabling services to facilitate and speed up the publication process. Selecting these services during the submission obviates the burden of engaging with ICSES Manuscript Template and ensure your submission will be processed as fast as possible.
Fast-Review Option
Using this service, every peer-review round of your submission will be decreased from regular 60 days to the fast one with only 14 days.
Fast-Review Option
About 14 days per round of peer-review instead of the regular 60 days
Manuscript Editorial Service
Using this service, firstly, you do not need to care about ICSES Manuscript Template, and can submit your draft paper in any format. Secondly, we finally format and typeset your manuscript, if you can get a final acceptance. Thirdly, your manuscript can go on-line instantly after geting acceptance decision.
Manuscript Editorial Service
Typesetting and formating your manuscript based on the mandantory ICSES Manuscript Template
star The old version of this page can be accessed via here, and is supported till 2020.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Computer Architecture and VLSI
Digital System and Logic Design
Robotics and Mechatronics
Power Electronics
Embedded Systems
Signal and System Theory
Applied Electromagnetics
Chip Design and Network on Chip
Sensor Technologies
Other Aspects of Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering
Authors' Benefits:
By publishing your best works in ICSES journals and books, as an author, the following distinguishing advantages can be achieved for you:
Free-of-Charge Publication: If you adhere to the ICSES authors submission guidelines e.g. to avoid extra pages charge, your publication is completely free.
Open-Access Basis: Till 2020, all the ICSES conferences and journals papers as well as book chapters are published in open-access manner, which is a special opportunity for authors to increase the visibility of their publications, and let them to be seen and cited by the related community.
Indexing and Abstracting: Currently, the ICSES journals and books are indexed in a large number of academic and scientific databases e.g. GoogleScholar, CrossRef, Copernicus and so on essential to increase the visibility of the publications. Happy to mention that our ITCNC and ITIPPR are currently under the evaluation of SCOPUS and Ei Compendex, and we have a high expectation to have them indexed in the 2018 SCOPUS and Compendex lists.
High-Quality Publication: The ICSES steering committee and editorial boards are working hard to keep the publications quality, and only high-quality articles have chance to be accepted. They check soundness and quality of e.g. all the Figures, Tables, Equations, References and so on; also our localized professional manuscript template ensures the quality, and is comparable with the world"s most prestigious publishers.
Manuscript Maturity Model: Although only the high-quality papers have chance to be accepted, our strategy is to mature all the submitted papers fallen within our standards with some rounds of revision. This strategy help the authors to release their full potential and mature their contributions to the related communities, under the free guidance of our expert international editorial boards members.
Automated Publication System: The ICSES Membership and Manuscript System (IMMS) is a localized expandable fully-automated system to manage the ICSES publication, which enables us to professionally manage and guide the total process of publication including peer-review to ensure the quality, and let us have a vision of getting indexed in the prestigious academic databases like SCOPUS and WoS-SCI.
Fast-Review Option and Manuscript Editorial Service: Currently, the ICSES has developed two key-enabling services namely Fast-Review Option and Manuscript Editorial Service in order to facilitate and speed up the publication process. Selecting these services during the submission obviates the burden of engaging with ICSES Manuscript Template, and ensures your submission will be processed as fast as possible.
Part I: The first page
of the submission should be a Cover Letter containing the manuscript Title, Abstract,
Keywords, Main Subject, Corresponding and other Authors with their Affiliations,
a statement demonstrating that the submitted manuscript is not submitted “Elsewhere
at the same time,” and all the Authors agree to this submission. For convenience,
you can use the following ICSES-CoverLetter-Template.docx.
Part II: At least 3 up
to 5 Highlights and Novelties should be presented in the Second Page using ICSES-Highlights-Template.docx.
Part III: The
manuscript body consist of the following:
Manuscript Title
Authors (The first Author is automatically considered as Corresponding Author)
Abstract (Max. 2048 Characters)
Keywords (3 up to 7 Keywords - Max. 512 Characters)
Related Works (In Chronological Order)
Problem Formulation (Using Mathematics and Some Description)
Proposed Approach (Using Algorithm in Pseudo-Code, Flowchart, and Some Pictures)
Experiment Study (The Configuration of Proposed Approach and Others)
Results Analytics (Using Charts and Diagrams)
Acknowledgement, Grants & Supports
References (IEEE format with DOI address)
Photo and Short Biography of each Author
Figures, Tables, and Equations:
All the Diagrams, Charts, and Tables should be made using Microsoft Office Tools (such as Word, Visio, Excel, etc.), and all the other Pictures should be in 300dpi resolution. We encourage Authors to use “Colorful” Diagrams, Charts, and Pictures, while the body of Tables may be “Light Grey.” Besides, all the equations should be made using standard tools like Microsoft Word Built-In “Equation Editor,” or “MathType.”
These specifications for Figures, Tables, and Equations are mandatory for any submission so that any violation of them will result in an “Immediate Rejection” in the review process.
Extended Versions From Conferences:
Currently, extended versions of manuscripts previously published in the featured Conferences are welcome; however, the submitted manuscripts should have the following properties:
At least 40% extra material specially in the Experiments and Results.
A paragraph in the Introduction Section should explain the differences as well as How, Where and Why these differences have been applied to this new Manuscript.
The previously published paper in the Conference should exist in the References Section, and be Cited in the aforementioned paragraph.
Reviewing Process:
All the submitted articles
should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental
or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal
should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication
Publishing papers in the ICSES
Transactions is currently free of charge, and we have adopted
the SCOPUS and ISI-WoS policy, and go toward indexing in these Academic Databases.
Hence, only the high-quality papers have chance to be accepted; however, our strategy
is to mature submitted papers fallen within our standards with some rounds of Revising.
Today, the first editorial decision and total publishing process last about 3
and 9 months, respectively. However, the accepted papers will be published
on-line as soon as with the final decision.
Paper Length and Extra Page Charge:
Original Full-Length Papers: All the original full-length papers
should be 10 pages in two-column style; however, significant submissions
ranging from 8 to 14 pages are considered but with a charge for every Extra
Review Articles: The Review articles should be 14 pages in two-column style; however,
significant submissions ranging from 10 to 18 pages are welcome but with a charge
for every Extra Page.
Short Letters: The Short Letters should be 5 pages in two-column style; however,
significant submissions ranging from 4 to 7 pages are welcome but with a charge
for every Extra Page.
Conference Papers: The Conference Papers should be 6 pages in two-column style; however,
significant submissions ranging from 5 to 8 pages are welcome but with a charge
for every Extra Page.
Special Issues or Book Chapters: Manuscripts for Special Issues or Book
Chapters have no restriction in pages; however, they should be in range of 10 up to 14 in order not to subjected Extra Page Charge
Others: Other kinds of letters and papers have no restriction in pages, and it is up to the journal's Editor-in-Chief.
Extra Page Charge: The Extra Page Charge is mandatory to be paid with no exception from the first 2019 as the following:
For each extra or deficient page
Mandatory to be paid from the first 2019
After Acceptance:
The accepted manuscripts must
follow the style of the journal in order to be published. The mandatory journal-template
is in the following. Moreover, a copyright form signed by all the authors are
needed before the manuscript goes published.
The Article Processing Charge (APC) for this journal is as follows; however, some Special Issues and Book Projects may have arbitrary APC based on the leading guest-Editor.
Article Processing Charge
Mandatory to be paid only for the accepted papers to be published.
Licence and Copyright:
From 2020, all the manuscripts published by ICSES are in open-access manner based on the following copyright licence:
Worse mentioning that since the authors do not pay any Article Processing Charge (APC), the copyright of all the published papers are sized by ICSES, and the corresponding authors should gain the consent of other authors, if any, and sign a copyright transfer agreement on they behalf.
Extra Services for Authors (Optional):
Currently, ICSES has developed the following key-enabling services to facilitate and speed up the publication process. Selecting these services during the submission obviates the burden of engaging with ICSES Manuscript Template and ensure your submission will be processed as fast as possible.
Fast-Review Option
Using this service, every peer-review round of your submission will be decreased from regular 60 days to the fast one with only 14 days.
Fast-Review Option
About 14 days per round of peer-review instead of the regular 60 days
Manuscript Editorial Service
Using this service, firstly, you do not need to care about ICSES Manuscript Template, and can submit your draft paper in any format. Secondly, we finally format and typeset your manuscript, if you can get a final acceptance. Thirdly, your manuscript can go on-line instantly after geting acceptance decision.
Manuscript Editorial Service
Typesetting and formatting your manuscript based on the mandatory ICSES Manuscript Template
You can follow the ICSES Payment's Instructionscall_made to find how much the fees are and how you can pay for them in order to proceed the publication process of your submitted manuscript.
Open Special Issues to be published by ITCHEE Prospect Scholars can use ICSES-Special-Issue-Template.docx to propose us conducting a new Special Issue. In addition, you can find the Instruction how to submit your Proposal here.
Open Books to be published by ITCHEE Prospect Scholars can use ICSES-Book-Proposal-Template.docx to propose us conducting a new Book project. In addition, you can find the Instruction how to submit your Proposal here.
ICSES Books published by ITCHEE
The members of ITCHEE's editorial board are:
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Mohammad Mehrani Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful , Iran mehrani@iaud.ac.ir mail_outline Areas of Expertise
Special Isuue: Best Papers of IEEE-National Conference on Emerging Trends on Sustainable Technology and Engineering Applications, Jun. 2020 — Contents:
Open Conferences and Workshops to be held by ITCHEE
Statistics, Speed, and Other Metrics for ITCHEE
Total No. of Papers: 11
No. of Books: 0
No. of Special Issues: 1
No. of Conf. Proceedings: 0
No. of Days to Acceptance: 46
No. of Days from Accept to Publish: 79
No. of Visits per Manuscript: 3648
No. of Downloads per Manuscript: 601
Total No. of Citations: 1
Impact Factor:
Open Upcoming Issues to be published by ITCHEE Prospect Authors can submit their Manuscripts to the following Upcoming Issues via www.i-cses.com/IMMS. In addition, you can find the Instructions how to submit your Manuscripts here.
Contact Us
Intel Corporation,
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose,
CA-95134, USA
A selection of key points is included in the following; however, you should refer to the aforementioned documents for full details.
Corresponding Author's Duty
By submitting the manuscript to this publication, the corresponding Author verifies that:
1- The manuscript is original, and has not been partially or completely published elsewhere.
2- The manuscript is not under the evaluation elsewhere, since simultaneous submission is prohibited.
3- The consent of all the Authors has already been gained before the submission.
4- The consent of all the Sponsors has already been gained before the submission.
5- The manuscript has not any plagiarism.
6- All the necessary copyrights for the contents have already been acquired by the Authors.
7- All the results in the manuscript are exact and correct, and have not generated or manipulated.
8- Authors should ensure that they have properly acknowledged the work of others, and should also cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.
9- All the fees based on the services the authors use, or charges they faced should be paid and cleared just on time, where unjustifiable neglect or delay of payment causes severe administrative problems for publisher, and is instance of violation in publication ethics.
Conflict of interest
Every person who has a shared beneficiary with you, such as some of your Colleagues, your Friends, your Family, your Professors, your Students, etc., has “Conflict-of-Interest” with you so that:
1- Authors should not select anyone with conflict-of-interest as his/her Potential Reviewer, Editor, etc.
2- Editors and Reviewers should not accept editoring and reviewing of manuscripts that have any conflict-of-interest with one of the Authors or their Affiliations.
Independence and fair play
Editor-in-Chief, Editors, and Reviewers evaluate submitted manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit (importance, originality, study’s validity, clarity) and its relevance to the journal’s aims and scope, without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, religious belief, political philosophy, institutional affiliation, policies of governments or any other agencies outside of the journal itself.
Confidentiality and Disclosure
Editors and editorial staff will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.
Handling of unethical publishing behaviour
In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the publisher, in close collaboration with the editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an erratum, clarification or, in the most severe case, the retraction of the affected work. The publisher, together with the editors, shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and under no circumstances encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.