Membership in ICSES (Mission and Vision) The main mission of ICSES is to provide unrepresented opportunities for the scholars and researchers in the main field of computer science and engineering. ICSES organizes international conferences, symposiums and workshops, and provides sponsorship and technical supports for those researchers having potential to conduct outstanding research projects in this area of science and technology. ICSES also publishes high-quality open-access international free journals in various areas of computer science and engineering. Membership in ICSES is free for the first year of registration, where a year means from the 1st January to the 31st December. Membership is mandatory for the prospectives to participate in the society's events, publish papers in the society's journals, receiving research grants and so on. ICSES is a non-for-benefit organization based on the voluntarily endeavors of members where managing such a large community is not a trivial job by no means. Accordingly, members need to be engaged with the society's tasks e.g. by participating in the society's conferences, publishing papers in the society's journals, applying for the review or editorial boards and so on. Based on the new regulations, since 2020, if a member cannot participate in the society's activities such as publishing a paper, his/her membership will not be extended for the next year (his/her profile will be suspended on the late-December, or simply he/she cannot download the membership card or society's certificates any longer), and he/she needs to go for premium membership with following annual fees:
* Students need to have an unexpired student card from a valid university. You may visit the payment guide page ![]()
Who can download the certificates and membership card? Only authors, reviewers, guest-editors, editorial board members and the premium members who have paid their annual membership fee can download their certificates and membership cards. This rule has been initiated since 2020 in order to persuade the members to participate and be engaged with the society's activities.
What is ICSES Membership and Manuscript Management System so-called IMMS? It is ICSES native system for the Recruitment of Members as well as Submission, Tracing and Management of Manuscripts, Books, and Conferences, which can be accessed via -
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![]() On the other hand, IMMS is able to manage the following types of submissions:
I have forgotten my Username or Password. Your Username is your e-mail address by which you signed up in the IMMS, and you are able to retrieve your Password using “Forget Password” page from the right-side Menu of IMMS.
I have already Signed Up in the system but my Profile is Inactive now, and I cannot enter to my IMMS Profile. You can go to the “Forget Password” page from the right-side Menu of IMMS, and send yourself another Activation Link by which you can activate your IMMS Profile. After the Activation Link was sent to you, go to your E-mail, and find the Activation Link (normally in the Inbox, and occasionally in the Spam folder of your e-mail account) sent to you. You should click on the Link to type it in the address bar of your Internet Browser in order to Activate your Profile so that you can Sign In to IMMS.
I am just Promoted to a Reviewer; where can I find my Review Tasks? Congratulations. After Sign In to your IMMS Profile, you can easily view, track, and accomplish your Review Tasks assigned to you using “Track Reviews” page from the right-side Menu of IMMS, or in the center of your Home page (Member Dashboard). If you cannot see such a Menu Item, please first look at your Profile using “--Profile--” page to be sure about your Status that should be set to “Reviewer”, and if so, please contact Technical Support
What is the due date for each Review Tasks, and what if I am not Agree to do some Review Tasks? The Due Date for every Review Task is 1 Month in order to conduct the review process just on time. In the case that a Review Task falls behind your expertise, you are not interested in some Review Task, or you need more time to do some of them, you should contact the Editor-in-Chief in order to expand your deadline, or set another Reviewer; else, the review process and final decision may be done without considering your Review.
I am just Promoted to an Editor; where can I find my Editorial Tasks? Congratulations. After Sign In to your IMMS Profile, you can easily view, track, and accomplish your Editorial Tasks assigned to you using “Track Editions” page from the right-side Menu of IMMS, or in the center of your Home page (Member Dashboard). If you cannot see such a Menu Item, please first look at your Profile using “--Profile--” page to be sure about your Status that should be set to one of the “Guest Editor/Honorary Editor/Editor/Associate Editor”, and if so, please contact Technical Support
What is the due date for each Editorial Tasks, and what if I am not Agree to do some Editorial Tasks? The Due Date for every Editorial Task is based on the Journal policy and may range from 1 up to 3 Months. In the case that a Editorial Task falls behind your expertise, you are not interested in some of them, or you need more time, you should contact the Editor-in-Chief in order to expand your deadline, or set another Editor.
What should I do as an Editor of a submitted Manuscript? After going to “Track Editions” page, you will see all of the Submissions assigned to you. For each submission click on “Submission Editing” and go to this form where you can see a full details of the Manuscripts as well as assign some Reviewer to the manuscript under the consideration. At least 3 Reviewer Decisions up to 5 ones are needed to make a Final Decision by Editor-in-Chief. Therefore, after assigning some Reviewers and collecting their comments and decisions, you should make an overall conclusion, and submit your decision and comments to the Editor-in-Chief. Please note that the Manuscript will be appeared On-Line in the “In Press” issue as soon as you made an “Accepted” decision; hence, you should be very careful about that so that any “Accepted” decision should be made after you are sure about the Content of the Manuscript (such as Title, Figures, Tables, Equations, References, etc.), Structure of the Manuscript (ICSES Template should exactly be applied) and Copyright (a signed Copyright form by all the Authors should accompany with the final Manuscript). If needed, you may make a “Minor Revise” decision to let the Author settle the issues and problems in the next round of Submission.
I got a massage the your IMMS Profile is “Suspended”, and now I am not able to enter to my account! In some case, when the System Administrator recognizes some suspicious moves from someone that violets ICSES Conditions and Terms, he may suspend the IMMS Profile of the suspected Member for more investigations. If it is a misconception, your account will be back to its previous Status as soon; however, you may contact Technical Support
I would like to Submit a Proposal for a Special Issue or Book. What should I do? Proposal for Special Issues or Books are welcome by ICSES Editorial Board, and it is just like to Submit a new Manuscript to the IMMS. After Sign In to your IMMS Profile, you can use “New Submission …” from the right-side Menu of IMMS where you should select “Proposal for a Special Issue/Proposal for a Book” from the “Submission Type” item.
I would like to Submit a Manuscript for a Special Issue or a Chapter of Book. What should I do? You should select “Manuscript for a Special Issue/Manuscript as a Book Chapter” as “Submission Type”, so that a Combo-Box will appear to you in which there are all the Open Special Issues and Books. Select the right one from the “Submission For” combo-box, and continue submitting your manuscript.
What is “Conflict-of-Interest” ? Every person who has a shared beneficiary with you, such as some of your Colleagues, your Friends, your Family, your Professors, your Students, etc., has “Conflict-of-Interest” with you, and you should not select them as a Potential Reviewer, Editor, and so on.
I want to Submit the Revised version of my Manuscript based on the Editor, and Reviewers. What should I do? You should go to the "Track Submission" menu so that you can find the Manuscript in the list of "Submissions Need Revision". Click on "Submit Revise" where you are able to link your revised version with its parent. Please note that you should correct the submission information e.g. Title, Abstract, No. of Pages, Figures, References and so on based on the revised version. In addition, you should fill "Respond to the Reviewers" field, and upload "Signed Copyright Form" and "Plagiarism Check Report", both in pdf file format.
Where can I find 2 potential Reviewers who are required for my Submission? It is very simple. If you are expert in this field, or you are making research in this field, you definitely recognize other experts and researchers in the field. Simply, some of them are of course the Authors of those papers you have mentioned in the References Section of your paper. Please send e-mail to some of them, and ask them if they have time and interest to review your paper on our behalf; if so, first of all, you should register and make Profile for them in the IMMS. Then, you can find and sit them in your Submission form by either their "Membership ID" or their "E-mail".