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ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing
Vol. 3, No. 2, Dec. 2020

Scopes of Decision-making Related Researches in the ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing

a Amity University Haryana, Gurugram, India


Highlights and Novelties
1-This manuscript highlight the decision-making problems for the fuzzy environment.

2-This manuscript contains the environments and decision-making techniques under the fuzzy set theory.

3-This manuscript highlight the aim and scope of the ITNFC.


Manuscript Abstract
In the real world, persons such as engineers, doctors, lawyers, scientists, or HR managers face various types of problems to complete their tasks successfully. Among them, so as to reach the optimal points with the desired goal, one of the important problems is to take the appropriate decision to select the best one(s), which is an integral part of daily life. To achieve it, a theory of decision-making (DM) plays an integral role in the field of the DM process. Indeed in ordinary life, "to do or not to do" is one of the foremost riddles that a person faces before jumping to action. Decision making is the process to find an optimal alternative among the various feasible alternatives. There are several types of decision-making problems such as 1) simple DM problem, in which decision maker select the optimal alternative based on the single characteristic of it; 2) multi-attribute decision making (MADM) problems, in which single decision-maker select the best alternative based on the assessment of multi attributes; 3) multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM), in which select the best option based on the assessment of multi attributes given by a panel of decision-makers. In the last few decades, several researches paid more attention to MADM or MAGDM problems in various fields. However, one of the most important factors to access the best one(s) is the considered environment, under which the decision-maker(s) have to evaluate the given alternatives.


 Decision Making   TOPSIS   SAW   CODAS 


Copyright and Licence
© Copyright was transferred to International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) by all the Authors. This manuscript is published in Open-Access manner based on the copyright licence of Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Cite this manuscript as
Kamal Kumar, "Scopes of Decision-making Related Researches in the ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing," ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2020.


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Manuscript ID: 371
Pages: 1-6
Submitted: 2020-05-10
Revised: 2020-05-14
Revised: 2020-05-15
Accepted: 2020-05-15
Published: 2020-12-01

Cited By (0)
Journal's Title
ITNFC Cover Page


ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing
ISSN: 2717-0055

ISSN: 2717-0055
Frequency: Quarterly
Accessability: Online - Open Access
Founded in: Feb. 2018
Publisher: ICSES
DOI Suffix: 10.31424/icses.itnfc