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ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 2015

A Sophisticated Approach to Secret Sharing Using XOR with Authentication Using Iris Recognition

Original Paper
a Munnar College of Engineering, Munnar, India


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Manuscript Abstract
Biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyzes human body characteristics for authentication purposes. Iris recognition is a type of biometrics which use the features found in the iris to identify an individual. Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which hides information in images (called shares) that can be decrypted by human vision. Advanced hierarchical visual cryptography is a visual cryptographic technique used to improve the security which produces shares at different levels. For the authentication purpose, here the iris recognition is incorporated within the advanced hierarchical visual cryptography.


 Biometrics   Hamming distance   Hierarchical Visual Cryptography   Iris Recognition. 


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Copyright © International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES). This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, supported by creativecommons.orgcall_made


Cite this manuscript as
Smitha Joseph, "A Sophisticated Approach to Secret Sharing Using XOR with Authentication Using Iris Recognition," ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6-10, Aug. 2015.


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Manuscript ID: 0
Pages: 6-10
Submitted: 2015-05-30
Accepted: 2015-07-31
Published: 2015-08-01

Cited By (0)
Journal's Title
ITIPPR Cover Page


ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
ISSN: 2645-8071

ISSN: 2645-8071
Frequency: Quarterly
Accessability: Online - Open Access
Founded in: Mar. 2015
Publisher: ICSES
DOI Suffix: 10.31424/icses.itippr
